Who We Are
A Friendly & Warmhearted Congregation
Welcome to Airport Baptist Church! We are a small, friendly, warm-hearted congregation committed to exalting Jesus Christ and making Him known. Our traditional worship service includes hymn singing, prayers, special music and sound biblical preaching designed to inform and inspire Christians to faithfully follow Christ.
If we can serve you or help you in any way, don’t hesitate to call us. We are more than glad to assist in any way we can!
Join us this Sunday for Sunday School at 10AM, worship at 11:00am or Wednesdays at 06:30 for Bible study and Prayer. We would be delighted to have you!
Our Beliefs
Please read the Baptist Faith & Message for an understanding of our doctrinal position and beliefs.
Our History
It is estimated our church began in October 1954, based on a photo indicated to be the 50th anniversary on October 10, 2004. If factual, this makes ABC to be approximately 68 in October 2022. The services began in the basement area as the Sanctuary was built above it.
The founding members have gone on to be with Jesus, but many are remembered by the plaques that have been placed on “their” pews and in the vestibule.